
Triggering e decodifica efficiente di bus seriali a bassa velocità

Efficiently triggering and decoding low-speed serial buses

Questo webinar si rivolge ai progettisti e agli specialisti del test che sono interessati a tecniche cruciali per il debug dei moderni bus seriali con un oscilloscopio. Discuteremo del corretto triggering, dell'isolamento degli eventi e dei suggerimenti per la decodifica e l'esecuzione di misure avanzate sui bus. Le dimostrazioni delle soluzioni rafforzeranno l'efficacia e la facilità d'uso delle tecniche discusse.

Cosa potrete apprendere:

  • Bus seriali a bassa velocità come I²C, SPI o UART
  • Decodifica del bus automatizzata basata su hardware
  • Memoria segmentata per catturare solo le parti di segnale rilevanti

Andreas holds Andreas holds a master’s degree in engineering management with a focus on electronics from the University of Applied Sciences in Landshut (Germany). During his studies, he gained practical experience in electronic design in the US and China. Today, he is a product manager at Rohde & Schwarz and is responsible for oscilloscopes. Besides control loop stability, his expertise and priorities are power integrity and multi-domain analysis.a master’s degree in engineering management with a focus on electronics from the University of Applied Sciences in Landshut (Germany). During his studies, he gained practical experience in electronic design in the US and China. Today, he is a product manager at Rohde & Schwarz and is responsible for oscilloscopes. Besides control loop stability, his expertise and priorities are power integrity and multi-domain analysis.

Andreas Ibl