Behörden Spiegel Webinar: Securely encrypt and send VS-NfD data with minimal operational effort.

Behörden Spiegel Webinar: Securely encrypt and send VS-NfD data with minimal operational effort

The previous standard for e-mail and file encryption, Chiasmus, has been discontinued and a successor solution, VS-Desktop, is already available. But how do you integrate this solution into a VS-NfD workstation?

In this public authority mirror webinar, we will explain R&S®Trusted Disk & GnuPG VS-Desktop® and discuss the major advantages in terms of administration and operating costs as well as secure key management.

Topics of the webinar include:

  • What is VS-NfD compliant data encryption? Why is it important?
  • How does secure file and email encryption work with VS-Desktop?
  • How does the solution integrate with an existing VS-NfD workstation?

The webinar is available in German only.

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