Seminari Power Electronics

Seminari Aprile 2024 - Power Electronics

Scopri insieme a noi i seminari sul mondo del Power Electronics


10 - 11 - 12 Aprile 2024


Italia - Bologna, Padova e Milano


Batter Fly e ZES Zimmer

Power Converters, from Design to Validation

Siamo lieti di invitarti all'evento di formazione esclusivo sul Power Electornics, che alternerà teoria con una parte pratica con esperimenti live.


SESSIONE Ing. Michael Demstchenko (Inglese) + Ing. Luigi Lorusso (Italiano)

Emerging semiconductor technologies are becoming more and more common in any kind of application, also non-power related ones. In this seminar we’ll discuss how to approach these products and their topologies in terms of measurements, especially with the oscilloscope. From frequency response analysis, which involves analyzing the frequency response of the power supply to determine its performance and stability, to EMI debugging, which involves identifying and troubleshooting any electromagnetic interference that may be affecting the power supply, we will try to cover and exploit the main areas that engineers have usually issues with.

We will also cover the measurement of switching frequency, which is critical in determining the performance of the power supply. Additionally, we’ll see the behavior of the power supply under different load conditions, in order to discuss variations of voltage and current waveforms, as well as rise and fall times, which are some of the key parameters to evaluate the quality of a power supply.

Overall, this seminar will provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the most common measurements used in the analysis and debugging of switched mode power supplies using oscilloscopes. Likewise, practical advice will be presented to improve the results of these measures thanks to live demonstrations.

SESSIONE Dipl. Ing. Stergios Dimakis (Inglese)

In this session, we will investigate the use of precision power analyzers for measuring power losses and optimizing efficiency during the development stages of an electric drivetrain.

During the seminar, we will assume the perspective of the respective R&D engineer through different development stages, from sub-assembly measurements to verification and validation of the prototype, analyze the challenges and present comprehensive solutions.

Addressing a market, where the presence of power electronics is ever growing, we will give special attention to measurements on the power electronic converters of the system, such as the rectifier and the switching inverter at the sub-assembly stage, explain proper measurement setup and setting practices and examine the possibilities of isolating the power losses and performing harmonic analysis. At the verification and validation stages of the prototype, we will shift our focus to the complete motor drive, as well as the standalone motor and finally the entire drivetrain.

Overall, this seminar, will provide R&D engineers in the power electronics, motor manufacturing, and electromobility industries, with useful insights in verifying the power efficiency as well as determining optimizing potential of their electric drivetrain components using precision power analyzers.


Ora Argomento
8.00 - 8.30 Registrazione
8.30 - 9.00 Introduzione Gianmarco Moroni (Batter Fly) e Luigi Lorusso (Rohde & Schwarz)
9.00 - 10.30 Parte 1 - SESSIONE MICHAEL DEMSTCHENKO (Inglese) e LUIGI LORUSSO (italiano)
10.30 - 11.30 Coffe break con area riservata alla prova della strumentazione di misura utilizzata dai professori durante le sessioni di teoria
11.30 - 12.30 Parte 2 - SESSIONE MICHAEL DEMSTCHENKO (Inglese) e LUIGI LORUSSO (italiano)
12.30 - 13.45 Pranzo con area riservata alla prova della strumentazione di misura utilizzata dai professori durante le sessioni di teoria
13.45 - 16.15 SESSIONE STERGIOS DIMAZIS (inglese)

Dove e quando


10 Aprile presso "THE SYDNEY HOTEL"
Via Michelino, 73 - 40127 Bologna (BO)

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11 Aprile presso "HOTEL GALILEO"
Via Venezia, 30 - 35131 Padova (PD)

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Cavenago di Brianza

12 Aprile presso "DEVERO HOTEL"
Largo J. F. Kennedy, 1 - 20873 Cavenago di Brianza (MB)

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I relatori

Nato a Cremona nel 1988, Luigi Lorusso si laurea nel 2015 in Ingegneria Elettronica al Politecnico di Milano, con una tesi magistrale su “Inkjet-Printed on paper Organic TFT”, sviluppata presso l’Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. Inizia a lavorare in Rohde & Schwarz nel 2015 come Inside Sales Engineer, sviluppando le conoscenze tecniche e pratiche sugli strumenti di misura, quindi si dedica al supporto tecnico ai Channel Partner di Italia e Spagna, diventando pienamente responsabile dei primi nel 2022.

Appassionato di calcio e basket, gioca attualmente a pallavolo, assiduo lettore di manga e fumetti ed amante del buon cibo, non disdegna la cucina straniera.

Michael studied Electrical and Information Technology at University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland. He has worked in several positions at ABB since 2007 and has a background in testing, commissioning and engineering with power semiconductor applications for mediumvoltage converters implemented in wind turbines. This was followed by a position as Technical Customer Support for the application of ABB’s high power semiconductors. In 2022 he joined Axpo as a project engineer for excitation of the synchronous generator. Michael joined Rohde & Schwarz in February 2024, and is responsible for developing the Power Electronics business in Europe.

Stergios studied Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. After completing his studies, he was involved in the electrical installations and commissioning of various industrial automation projects.

In 2017, Stergios joined ZES ZIMMER Electronic Systems as Sales and Applications Engineer, with main part of his role being to manage sales projects and customer support in Southeastern and Mediterranean territories. Parallel to that, Stergios contributes to the conception and optimization of sales focused internal company processes as ERP Solutions Architect.

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